If you are a commuter or you often travel by train, join Delate community to get benefits from your train's minutes of delay.
Before each trip, select the departure and arrival station and choose your train from the list of the available ones. Delate monitors the progress of the journey for you.
Before each trip, select the departure and arrival station and choose your train from the list of the available ones. Delate monitors the progress of the journey for you.
At the end of each trip, the accumulated minutes of delay are converted into Delate points automatically associated with your profile. Use these points to get exclusive offers on products and services.
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Delate is one of 30 innovative apps to have been selected by the European GNSS Agency for the first phase of development of MyGalileoApp. Chosen among the 148 participants from all over Europe, Delate has the opportunity to integrate the advanced features offered by the Galileo satellite network.